Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This Sunday we spent the day in Connecticut at Brad's Dad's house. We had a great day.

Me and Grampy eating some watermelon. Poor Grampy had poison ivy all over his eye, neck and arms. Don't get too close!

Alexander and his Auntie April

I love my mommy and daddy! See my top tooth? The other's aren't too far behind it!

Alexander getting down and funky with Grandma Cathie! Dance, baby, Dance!

We are waiting for you Amelia! Can't wait to meet you...

Aren't I cute?

"I'm climbing my mountain step by step..."
(A throw back to Salty Song Book)

I did it!


  1. i love that song-- i'm climbing my mountain!! I sing it all the time, and matthew just looks at me funny.

  2. Wow! He is really moving, it won't be long now....
    and he sure does look as if he has big boy pants on??

    Good to see all the love and happiness circle around, then again you guys bring it wherever you go!
