Tuesday, June 22, 2010

MY first haircut!

So, I gave Alexander a haircut this morning!  My hairdresser is in the Bahamas right now and we are traveling to see family this weekend.  He was looking pretty scrubby, so on a whim I got out my huge craft scissors, put on Elmo, and went to town!  Terri (my hairdresser) has given him 2 cuts and I watched very closely.  I don't think I did too badly!  Especially with him squirming, pushing my hand away and screaching like I was pulling his hair OUT instead of just cutting it.


  1. it looks awesome steph! I can't believe he sat still enough for you to do that good of a job... AND let you take pics afterwards :)
    it's making me wish you had cut my hair instead of this terrible cut i got yesterday.

  2. Sit still? That is funny! I was terrified that I was going to cut his ear lobe off he was wiggling so much!!!
