Friday, July 17, 2009

Rookie Blogger!

So I have been convinced to start a blog! I must warn you, however, I am a rookie. Although from what I hear it isn't too difficult and yes, even I can have one! I am glad you have decided to peek in on our life and stay connected. Something that is sometimes difficult to do, but so worth it. the words of my sister-in-law, Kylene, "Come on in family!!"

What is new in the life of the
Deschaine's? Well, Alexander and I just got back from Maryland where we visited Cappy, Amma, and Uncle Jamie. Mima was also there as a great surprise! Alexander and I got to see the new house, the beautiful city of Annapolis and even do a bit of Karyoke! Jamie rocked the house! The margaritas aren't half bad either!! ;) Since Brad's brother and his wife (Brian and Kylene) live outside of D.C. we were able to spend some time with them too. By the way, Kylene is totally "poppin" that baby bump!!!!! Although it was a great trip it is always nice to come home. We missed Daddy. Unfortunately I don't have a single picture to document my trip because Alexander forgot to remind me to bring the camera. Ooops!

Next on the trip list for me is my annual pilgrimag
e the Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas, TX. Last year I was hugely preggers. My Nanny and her sister Louise are coming to watch Alexander. Pray for their sanity and my nerves as this will be the first time I leave Alexander for more than half a day. I'll be gone for 4 full days. Then as soon as I get home all three of us will leave for Rochester. WE FINALLY GET TO MEET ISAAC AND ABIGAIL! So excited!

This year (thanks to Grandma Guggino's donation) Brad and I have decided to start a garden! Since we manage to kill anything green that comes into our house we are a bit nervous. Any tips? Here are some pictures of our three baby tomato plants. Aren't they cute?

Here are some recent pictures of Alexander. I am glad you get to peek into our life. Know that you are loved. Thanks for stopping by!I love that Alexander sleeps with his butt in the air!

Join me for a tea party? (Alexander and his cousin Madison)

Just don't tell Daddy I'm playing with a pink tea pot!

I guess he's ok with it!

Ha, Ha got your nose!

I'm sorry, Madison!!!
(Alexander, Madison, and their Great Grandpa Conrad- Natalie's Dad)

Pool time fun!

This is how Mommy can get laundry folded!


  1. Okay rookie blogger. Not a bad start! You guys look great and I miss that little man!!

    Love, Cappy

  2. Nice!! Love it, Steph!
    Alex is a little darling, he's sooooo cute! Sounds like fun travels!
    It's so hard to leave, especially the first time, but you deserve it!! Have fun.
    I am a blogger myself, check it out!
    XXOO, Julie

  3. Oh my gosh. This just made my day! I am so excited that you have a blog. I am a bit obsessed and now I have a new blog to check daily. :) Welcome to the blog world and I can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!!

  4. i'm so excited you're on here! it will be a joy to get on the blog and check all the cousins at once. alexander is looking great. we are thrilled to see you in a few short weeks too!!!
